Outside Awards

VA Benefits for Dependent Undergraduate Students

If you have a parent who has served in the U.S. military and is eligible for Post 9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) educational benefits, your parent may choose to transfer these benefits to you, to go toward your Stanford expenses. The decision to use these VA benefits or to save them for graduate school or use by other siblings, for example, is a family decision and we encourage you to consider all of your options. Chapter 33 tuition and fees benefits are paid directly to Stanford and applied to your charges, but the VA will send your books benefit and housing allowance payments directly to you (the student). You should plan to use a portion of your housing allowance to pay for your on-campus room and board charges.

The total cost of attending Stanford for the academic year is higher than the maximum amount of Chapter 33 benefits. You and your family can apply for need-based financial aid to supplement your benefits. In determining your eligibility for need-based aid, we will consider your expected benefits for tuition, fees, and books as resources toward your Stanford expenses. We will also consider as a resource the portion of your VA housing allowance that matches our standard budgeted amount for room and board (any additional amount of VA housing allowance will not be considered in the financial aid process). Chapter 33 benefits can replace the Student Responsibility portion of the aid package. However, Chapter 33 benefits do not reduce or replace the Parent Contribution in our calculation of remaining financial need. Chapter 33 benefits do not affect eligibility for federal Title IV aid programs (grants and loans).

In the example shown below, the Parent Contribution amount is $10,000. On the left side is the student's financial aid package without Chapter 33 benefits. The right side shows the same student's financial aid package adjusted to incorporate Chapter 33 benefits. This example assumes that the student is eligible at the 100% level for the full academic year 2024–2025. Please keep in mind that your actual figures will be different depending on your family's financial circumstances and your Chapter 33 eligibility level.

Sample Package without Chapter 33 benefits   Sample Aid Package with Chapter 33 benefits
Cost of Attendance   Cost of Attendance
Tuition $65,127   Tuition $65,127
Housing and Food $21,315   Housing and Food $21,315
Student Fees Allowance $2,400   Student Fees Allowance $2,400
Personal Expenses Allowance $3,225   Personal Expenses Allowance $3,225
Books & Supplies Allowance $825   Books & Supplies Allowance $825
Travel (CA) $405   Travel (CA) $405
Total Expenses $93,297   Total Expenses $93,297
Scholarships and Grants   Scholarships and Grants
Need-Based Aid (Grant/Scholarship) $78,297   VA Tuition/Fees Base Benefit $28,937
      Stanford Yellow Ribbon Scholarship $10,000
      VA Yellow Ribbon Matching Benefit $10,000
      VA MHA Funds toward Housing & Food* $21,315
      VA Books Benefit $1,000
      Need-Based Aid (Grant/Scholarship) $12,045
Total Grants and Scholarships $78,297   Total Grants and Scholarships $83,297
Net Cost to Student/Parents   Net Cost to Student/Parents
Parent Contribution $10,000   Parent Contribution $10,000
Student Responsibility $5,000   Student Responsibility $0
Total Net Cost to Student/Parents $15,000   Total Net Cost to Student/Parents $10,000

* The actual amount of Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) funds that you will receive from the VA may be higher than the amount shown here. In calculating need-based scholarship eligibility, Stanford only considers the portion of MHA funding that is needed to cover our standard budget amount for room and board. Chapter 33 benefit recipients living in on-campus housing are expected to pay Stanford directly for room and board costs using the MHA funds that the VA pays directly to the recipients.

The Financial Aid Office staff is available to answer any questions you may have about your need-based aid award and how using Chapter 33 benefits may impact your aid package.

GI BillĀ® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

Updated on June 27, 2024 2:47 PM