Outside Awards

VA Benefits for Graduate Students

Individual schools and departments within Stanford are responsible for providing the Yellow Ribbon contribution for eligible graduate and professional students. The Financial Aid Office coordinates receipts of funds with responsible individuals in each school. VA tuition/fees benefits are front-loaded, rather than distributed evenly across the quarters of the academic year, and you may exhaust your tuition/fees benefits before the end of the academic year.

Receipt of VA educational benefits does not impact your eligibility for federal student loan programs. However, your departmental funding may be affected. Each graduate program has its own funding rules, so be sure to contact the student services officer in your department or school for details.

Below is an example of a graduate student who qualifies for VA Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) benefits at the 100% level for the full academic year 2024–2025. This example assumes enrollment at the 8/9/10-unit tuition rate (non-Engineering) and an institutional Yellow Ribbon match annual cap of $15,000 a year. Please keep in mind that your individual amounts by quarter will vary based on your actual charges for tuition and eligible fees, your eligibility level (percentage), and the Yellow Ribbon annual maximum for students in your program.

Sample Funding by Quarter for Chapter 33 Benefits

Funding Type Autumn Winter Spring Total
VA Chapter 33 Tuition/Fees Base Benefit $16,041 $12,896 $0 $28,937
Stanford Yellow Ribbon Contribution $0 $1,573 $8,020 $9,593
VA Yellow Ribbon Match $0 $1,572 $8,021 $9,593
VA Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) $11,500 $11,500 $11,500 $34,500
Estimated VA Books Benefit* $334 $333 $333 $1,000
Total $27,875 $27,874 $27,874 $83,623

* The actual amount of your books benefit per quarter is based on your eligibility percentage and the number of course units for which you are enrolled. For students who are eligible at 100%, the benefit is $41.67 per unit, up to an annual maximum of $1,000.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

Updated on June 27, 2024 2:59 PM