National Science Foundation Fellowship

Frequently Asked Questions

General Inquiries

If you are a fellow whose initial award year is between 2016–2021, grant number is: DGE-1656518.

If you are a fellow whose initial award year is between 2022–2027, grant number is: DGE-2146755.

No, you forfeit the funding for summer as you are not able to reserve funding for another award year unless on medical or military deferral.

Tenure or reserve status is for a 12 months period. You are only permitted to change status mid-year for a medical or military deferral. Because department funding may influence when you begin using NSF support, we highly recommend that you meet with your department before declaring status each year.

Yes, under certain restrictions. The NSF guidelines indicate, "Fellows on tenure may have a paid teaching or research position if the activity focuses on the Fellow's own education and training, and not on service to the University." The NSF-GRFP does not meet the level of a “full fellowship” at Stanford as defined in GAP 7.2.1 Fellowships and Other Stipend Support, and NSF-GRFP support may be supplemented with additional fellowship(s) or assistantship(s) until the Fellow reaches a level of full fellowship. Limits on concurrent assistantships and hourly employment continue to apply regardless of how the fellowship is supplemented. Concurrent hourly employment is limited to eight hours per week, and students on full fellowships may hold a concurrent research or teaching assistantship up to a maximum of 25% with no additional hourly employment (see Stanford Administrative Guide 10.2.2 Graduate Student Hourly Employment). If you will have paid employment at the same time you are receiving an NSF stipend you must complete and submit the NSF Supplemental Work Form.

RCR Training

If you have already completed the CITI training (RCR) or one of the approved courses at Stanford, it is not necessary to repeat it for the purposes of compliance with the NSF requirement. Upon completion of your training, please submit your completion certificate to

Yes. It's ok to complete the training after accepting the NSF GRF, even if use of the funding has not yet begun. In fact, RCR training completed during your graduate career at Stanford will fulfill the requirement. If you took a CITI module, it will fulfill the requirement if you have retained the certification. Some central records are available and we could check to see if your name appears. Upon completion of your training, please submit your completion certificate to

If you have already completed the CITI training (RCR) or one of the approved courses at Stanford, it is not necessary to repeat it for the purposes of compliance with the NSF requirement. Please submit your completion certificate to

Yes. Stanford would like to maintain clear records of its fellows to remain compliant with the terms of the NSF fellowship.

It's great to take the course next quarter. To be in compliance, please complete one of the online CITI modules by the end of Autumn Quarter.

Choose the module that is closest in nature to the research area you will be pursuing.

Stanford uses two different sets of CITI modules, and each addresses a different regulatory requirement. One set of courses is for individuals who are going to review human subjects research. Those course are for IRB members, and isn't appropriate for fulfilling the RCR requirement for NSF GRFs. It would only be relevant for a student who is a student member of a human subjects panel. NSF GRFs should select one of the classes identified as "Responsible Conduct of Research." The completion of one course is required to fulfill the NSF RCR requirement for NSF fellows.

Additional Resource

Frequently Asked Questions on the National Scienece Foundation website

Updated on July 27, 2023 2:38 PM